Anti-black Offenses

"Racial Hate Crimes by Type of Offense"
    Discrimination against African Americans is nothing new. They have been ridiculed, dehumanized, and victimized since the birth of this country. After decades of struggling and fighting, they persevered and finally received their rights to equality. Today blacks are treated just as equally as any other race. Unfortunately, there is still a substantial amount of hatred towards them. In fact, the largest percentage of hate crimes in the United States are anti-black.

Recent Offenses

The MLK Day Bomber

"MLK Day Bomb Attempt"
    On January 17, 2011, in Spokane, Washington, a backpack concealing a bomb was found along the route of a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. Fortunately, it was diffused before it could explode. For about a month, the identity of the bomber was unknown, which led to an up-rise in fear that the bomber could strike again. (MLK Day Bomb Attempt) One month later, on March 9, the bomber was arrested and charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and possession of an unregistered explosive device. The suspect was Kevin Harpham, a 36 year old white male. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that researches hate groups, provided evidence that Harpham belonged to the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group based in West Virginia. The National Alliance, headed by former physics professor William Pierce until his death in 2002, promotes hatred of Jews, blacks and "race mixers". As of April 21, 2011, Harpham was newly charged of committing federal hate crimes. If convicted he will face a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Because He Was Black
Anthony Pacherille, now 17, was just 16 last April 2, when he stopped his vehicle right next to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, got out with his rifle in hand, and chased fellow 16 year old Cooperstown High School student Wesley Lippitt into the Cooperstown Police Station.
(WKTV News)